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Monday, May 19, 2014

भगाणा में अन्याय, अनसुनी आवाजें और आत्महत्या की एक कोशिश

                                                           हाशिया ब्लॉग से साभार ................

कल (11 मई) जंतर मंतर पर हुए विरोध प्रदर्शन की यह रिपोर्ट पोस्ट करते हुए एक दुखद सूचना यह भी है कि एक शिकायतकर्ता किशोरी के चाचा ने अपने गांव लौट कर आत्महत्या करने की कोशिश की है. वे आज सुबह पांच बजे अचानक भगाणा के लिए निकल गये थे। गांव में ही उन्‍होंने दोपहर बाद दो बजे कीटनाशक खाकर आत्‍महत्‍या करने की कोशिश की। उन्‍हें पहले हांसी हॉस्‍पीटल में एडमिट करवाया गया, जहां से चिकित्‍सकों ने उन्‍हें रोहतक अस्‍पताल में रेफर कर दिया है। उनकी स्थिति नाजुक बनी हुई है। गांव वालों का कहना है कि आत्‍महत्‍या से पहले वे कह रहे थे कि इज्‍जत तो चली गयी, अब क्‍या बच गया है। कहीं से कुछ नहीं मिलने वाला है।

नई दिल्ली, 11 मई। हरियाणा के भगाणा गांव में सामूहिक बलात्कार की शिकार हुई चार नाबालिगों के हक में न्याय की मांग के समर्थन में आज शिकायतकर्ताओं के साथ भारी संख्या में दिल्ली के सामाजिक कार्यकता, बुद्धिजीवी और विद्यार्थी भी जुटे।  यहां दिल्ली में पंत मार्ग पर स्थित हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री आवास पर धरना देते हुए आंदोलनकारियों ने शिकायतकर्ताओं के प्रति हरियाणा सरकार के रवैए की तीखी आलोचना की और कहा कि ऐसा लगता है कि हरियाणा सरकार सामंती उत्पीड़नकर्ताओं के पक्ष में खड़ी हो गई है और दलितों-पीड़ितों की आवाज को जानबूझ कर दफन किया जा रहा है। बड़े पैमाने पर जुटे लोगों ने यहां दिल्ली में सरकार और प्रशासन से यह मांग की कि पीड़ितों पर जुल्म ढाने वाले दोषियों को  सख्त सजा दी जाए और फास्ट ट्रैक अदालतों का गठन कर शिकायतकर्ताओं को जल्द से जल्द इंसाफ दिलाई जाए।

आंदोलनकारी हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री भूपिंदर सिंह हुडा से मिलना चाहते थे, लेकिन भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल ने बैरिकेड लगाकर उन्हें रोक दिया। इसके बाद आंदोलनकारियों ने अपने विरोध प्रदर्शन के दौरान पुलिस के कई बैरिकेड तोड़ डाले और आक्रोश से भर कर वहीं हरियाणा सरकार और पुलिस प्रशासन के खिलाफ नारे लगाए। जब आंदोलनकारियों का गुस्सा नहीं थमा तो उनमें से दस लोगों के प्रतिनिधिमंडल को हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री के राजनीतिक सचिव सुरेंद्र दहिया से बातचीत के लिए बुलाया, लेकिन उन्हें कार्रवाई का भरोसा नहीं दिया। इस पर आंदोलनकारियों का गुस्सा और क्षोभ और बढ़ गया तब फिर दुबारा सात लोगों के प्रतिनिधिमंडल को बुलाया गया, जिसने सुरेंद्र दहिया के सामने जोरदार तरीके से हरियाणा और खासकर भगाणा में दलितों पर होने वाले अत्याचारों का ब्योरा दिया और जल्द कानूनी कार्रवाई करने के साथ-साथ पीड़ितों को मुआवजा देने और उनके पुनर्वास की मांग की। इसके बाद राजनीतिक सचिव की ओर से अगले बहत्तर घंटों के भीतर मांगों पर कार्रवाई करने का आश्वासन दिया गया।   

विरोध प्रदर्शन के दौरान वक्ताओं ने भगाणा की किशोरियों के सामूहिक बलात्कार में शामिल अपराधियों को संरक्षण देने वाले गांव के सरपंच और उसके साथियों को भी तत्काल गिरफ्तार करने की मांग की। भगाणा कांड सघर्ष समिति के प्रवक्ता जगदीश काजला ने कहा कि भगाणा की इन शिकायतकर्ता बच्चियों और परिवारों के साथ हुई यह घटना हरियाणा में दबंगों के आतंक की एक छोटी बानगी है। काजला ने कहा कि जिस गांव में दबंगों ने दलित परिवारों का सम्मान से जीना असंभव कर दिया है, वे वहां लौटना चाहते, इसलिए उन्हें वहां से अलग बसाने की व्यवस्था की जाए। शिकायतकर्ता बच्चियों में से एक की मां सोना ने कहा कि हरियाणा में हमें इंसाफ नहीं मिला तो हम दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर आए कि यहां हमारी आवाज सुनी जाएगी, लेकिन अब एक महीने होने जा रहा है, आज तक केंद्र सरकार या दिल्ली या फिर हरियाणा के प्रशासन या किसी नेता ने हमारा दुख समझने और यहां तक बात करने तक की भी कोशिश नहीं की। सोना ने आगे कहा कि हम देश और प्रशासन से पूछना चाहते हैं कि क्या दलितों का कोई सम्मान नहीं होता, उनकी बेटियां क्या बेटी नहीं होती हैं?

भगाणा गांव की एक वृद्ध महिलाए गुड्डी ने कहा कि जिन बच्चियों के साथ बलात्कार हुआ, उनके सम्मान और गरिमा के खिलाफ अपराध हुआ, वे खुद दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर न्याय की आस में बैठी है, लेकिन केंद्र या राज्य सरकार या किसी भी प्रशासन को इनकी बात सुनने की जरूरत महसूस नहीं हुई। विरोध प्रदर्शन के आखिर में भगाणा कांड संघर्ष समिति ने कहा है कि अगर इस मामले में शिकायतकर्ताओं के साथ न्याय नहीं हुआ, तो हम देशव्यापी आंदोलन छेड़ने के लिए तैयार हैं।

भगाणा कांड संघर्ष समिति
जगदीश काजला

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New York – Protest against the abduction of G.N. Saibaba

Date – May 15; Time: 5-7pm
Place – Jackson Heights
[in front of Kabab King; 7301 37th Rd (at intersection of 37th Rd and 73rd St) near 74th-Broadway Station on 7 Train and JH-Roosevelt Ave Station on E, F, M, R Train]


Condemn the abduction of Delhi University Prof. GN Saibaba,
by the Indian state security forces!

While the Indian state and its imperialist masters harp about India’s overall advances and continue to portray it as “the largest democracy in the world”, in the very heart of its capital in Delhi, on May 9, 2014, in broad day light, in full view of CCTV monitored by the local police, the Indian security forces, unashamedly assaulted and abducted Delhi University Professor, Dr GN Saibaba.

After Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is wheelchair bound, was taken away blindfolded from within the university premises, it took a mysterious call to Vasantha, his partner, from some unknown location in Delhi disclosing it to her that her husband was being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtram. Since then, according to the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners’(CRPP) statement, issued in New Delhi on 10-05-2014, the lawyers in Aheri court in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra have confirmed that Dr. Saibaba has been produced before the magistrate and was sent into judicial custody.

Dr GN Saibaba’s is a long standing peoples’ rights activist. He is the joint secretary of the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) and one of the central conveners of the “Forum Against War on People” that spearheaded the mobilisation of public opinion in India and abroad against the shameful “Operation Green Hunt” – another clean name amongst others for the Indian state’s genocidal war on the tribal people of India – that aims to displace millions of people from this mineral rich area of India and auction off the land and its resources to domestic and international mining corporations to exploit.

The voices of intellectuals, progressive and activist across India opposing this genocidal war on people not only reflects the tremendous mass resistance of the Tribal people such as that in Singur, Nandigram and the Lalgarh peoples’ resistance, it also has raised waves of indignation from across the world exposing the true anti-people nature of the Indian state.
The Indian ruling classes engulfed in deep economic and political crisis have deploying the Indian state have adopted increasingly more brutal and draconian measure to eliminate their opponents intensifying repression across the board. It follows that the state and its security forces are directly responsible for war and aggression, wholesale arrests, inhumane treatment in captivity, torture, use of illegal chemicals in extraction of confessions, assassinations and extrajudicial killings.

During the past 5 years alone, the swelling numbers of political prisoners in India and those in captivity, is clear indication of the intensifying oppression and the desperation of the ruling classes in India unable to contain the rising tide of resistance and the struggle of the oppressed people across the country.

Today, tens of thousands including communists, other revolutionaries and progressive people, intellectuals, democratic rights activists, national and religious minorities, and people from all professions, continue to be incarcerated in prisons and interrogation centres across India.

The abduction of Professor GN Saibaba, comes a few days after a similar abduction of Jeevan Chandra, the President of RDF in Uttarakhand, that was carried out by security forces on May 5, for having ‘connections with the Maoists’ and calling for the boycott of the upcoming elections – a typical farce to decide who will represent the fascist state in dealing with the endemic economic, political and social crisis and rising tide of the mass resistance.

According to the CRPP (a convenor of “The International Campaign for the Freedom of All Political Prisoners): “Dr. Saibaba could see this unfolding method in madness of the state and had called for the rallying of all democratic and freedom loving people of the subcontinent resolutely to defeat this war on the people. Every voice that demands justice for Saibaba and his unconditional release will be a step to further strengthen those convictions of ours to stand for what is good for the vast sections of the masses of the people and their struggle to keep alive those dreams for a better world free from all forms of exploitation.”

We join our colleagues in the Indian subcontinent, and express our solidarity in struggle for the release of all political prisoners and condemn the reactionary fascist state in India for transforming the whole country into a prison for its oppressed people and national and religious minorities.

On behalf the steering committee of the International Campaign for the Freedom of All Political Prisoners (ICFAPP) we call on all progressive and democratic minded forces across the world to join protests against the abduction of Dr GN Saibaba and demand the his immediate and unconditional release.

Let us join together to resist and struggle for the freedom of all political prisoners everywhere!



The International Campaign for the Freedom of All Political Prisoners – Steering committee


Delhi – Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba

Delhi University Community against Police Repression

Event: Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba.

Venue: Press Club of India
Date: 14th May 2014 (WEDNESDAY)
Time: 3 pm.

We invite you to a Press Conference condemning the abduction, arrest and on-going mental and physical torture of Dr. GN Saibaba, a well known democratic rights activist and teacher in Delhi University, by the Maharashtra Police. On the 9th of May, plain-clothed Maharashtra police personnel along with some personnel from the Delhi Police abducted Dr. Saibaba in the afternoon around 1:30 pm while he was returning home after examination duty at Daulat Ram College within the university premises. After abducting a wheel-chair bound person with 90% disability, the police flew Dr. Saibaba to Maharashtra where his arrest was declared by DIG Ravindra Kadam in Gadchiroli. Without issuing a warrant, informing the family, or taking into consideration Dr. Saibaba’s physical state, the Maharashtra Police, in complete violation of basic human rights exposed their desperation to attack and silence a democratic voice in the country.

This abduction and arrest comes months after the arbitrary raid conducted at Dr. Saibaba’s residence on charges of ‘stolen property’ in September 2013 followed by an interrogation in January 2014. Dr. Saibaba and his family extended their full cooperation during both the raid and the interrogation. It is believed that Dr. Saibaba has been remanded to judicial custody in Nagpur Central Jail. The university and intellectual community have come together to express outrage at the treatment meted out to Dr. Saibaba by the Maharashtra Police and demands his immediate and unconditional release. The Delhi University Community against Police Repression stands in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba and his family and opposes the systematic targeting of democratic voices by the police force. Well-known intellectuals, activists, teachers, and students from across Delhi will address the press conference in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba.

Some prominent members who will address the media include:

Justice (retd.) Rajendra Sachar

Prof. Amit Bhaduri, Professor Emeritus, JNU

Arundhathi Roy, Writer

Nandita Narain, DUTA President

A S Vasantha, wife of Dr. GN Saibaba

Pankaj Bisht, Writer and Editor, Samayantar

Sumit Chakravarti, Editor, Mainstream.

Sanjay Kak, Film maker

Vikas Gupta, Prof, DU, Sambhawna

Harish Dhawan, Ram Lal Anand College, PUDR

Rakesh Kumar, Ram Lal Anand College

Ravinder Goel, Satyawati College, DU

Prof. Raghuram, Former President, IP University Teachers Association

Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, JNU

Prof. Burra Srinivas, South Asian University

Prof. Akha Mao, Ambedkar University, Delhi

N Sachin, DUTA Executive, Dyal Singh College

We appeal to you to send a senior correspondent/photographer/cameraperson to the venue to cover the event.

Delhi – Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba, May 14

Delhi University Community against Police Repression
Event: Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba.
Venue: Press Club of India
Date: 14th May 2014 (WEDNESDAY)
Time: 3 pm.
We invite you to a Press Conference condemning the abduction, arrest and on-going mental and physical torture of Dr. GN Saibaba, a well known democratic rights activist and teacher in Delhi University, by the Maharashtra Police. On the 9th of May, plain-clothed Maharashtra police personnel along with some personnel from the Delhi Police abducted Dr. Saibaba in the afternoon around 1:30 pm while he was returning home after examination duty at Daulat Ram College within the university premises. After abducting a wheel-chair bound person with 90% disability, the police flew Dr. Saibaba to Maharashtra where his arrest was declared by DIG Ravindra Kadam in Gadchiroli. Without issuing a warrant, informing the family, or taking into consideration Dr. Saibaba’s physical state, the Maharashtra Police, in complete violation of basic human rights exposed their desperation to attack and silence a democratic voice in the country.
This abduction and arrest comes months after the arbitrary raid conducted at Dr. Saibaba’s residence on charges of ‘stolen property’ in September 2013 followed by an interrogation in January 2014. Dr. Saibaba and his family extended their full cooperation during both the raid and the interrogation. It is believed that Dr. Saibaba has been remanded to judicial custody in Nagpur Central Jail. The university and intellectual community have come together to express outrage at the treatment meted out to Dr. Saibaba by the Maharashtra Police and demands his immediate and unconditional release. The Delhi University Community against Police Repression stands in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba and his family and opposes the systematic targeting of democratic voices by the police force. Well-known intellectuals, activists, teachers, and students from across Delhi will address the press conference in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba.
Some prominent members who will address the media include:
Justice (retd.) Rajendra Sachar
Prof. Amit Bhaduri, Professor Emeritus, JNU
Arundhathi Roy, Writer
Nandita Narain, DUTA President
A S Vasantha, wife of Dr. GN Saibaba
Pankaj Bisht, Writer and Editor, Samayantar
Sumit Chakravarti, Editor, Mainstream.
Sanjay Kak, Film maker
Vikas Gupta, Prof, DU, Sambhawna
Harish Dhawan, Ram Lal Anand College, PUDR
Rakesh Kumar, Ram Lal Anand College
Ravinder Goel, Satyawati College, DU
Prof. Raghuram, Former President, IP University Teachers Association
Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, JNU
Prof. Burra Srinivas, South Asian University
Prof. Akha Mao, Ambedkar University, Delhi
N Sachin, DUTA Executive, Dyal Singh College
We appeal to you to send a senior correspondent/photographer/cameraperson to the venue to cover the event.
- See more at: http://sanhati.com/event/9903/#sthash.FEFJIopB.dpuf

Delhi – Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba, May 14

Delhi University Community against Police Repression
Event: Press Conference on the abduction, arrest and torture of Dr. G.N. Saibaba.
Venue: Press Club of India
Date: 14th May 2014 (WEDNESDAY)
Time: 3 pm.
We invite you to a Press Conference condemning the abduction, arrest and on-going mental and physical torture of Dr. GN Saibaba, a well known democratic rights activist and teacher in Delhi University, by the Maharashtra Police. On the 9th of May, plain-clothed Maharashtra police personnel along with some personnel from the Delhi Police abducted Dr. Saibaba in the afternoon around 1:30 pm while he was returning home after examination duty at Daulat Ram College within the university premises. After abducting a wheel-chair bound person with 90% disability, the police flew Dr. Saibaba to Maharashtra where his arrest was declared by DIG Ravindra Kadam in Gadchiroli. Without issuing a warrant, informing the family, or taking into consideration Dr. Saibaba’s physical state, the Maharashtra Police, in complete violation of basic human rights exposed their desperation to attack and silence a democratic voice in the country.
This abduction and arrest comes months after the arbitrary raid conducted at Dr. Saibaba’s residence on charges of ‘stolen property’ in September 2013 followed by an interrogation in January 2014. Dr. Saibaba and his family extended their full cooperation during both the raid and the interrogation. It is believed that Dr. Saibaba has been remanded to judicial custody in Nagpur Central Jail. The university and intellectual community have come together to express outrage at the treatment meted out to Dr. Saibaba by the Maharashtra Police and demands his immediate and unconditional release. The Delhi University Community against Police Repression stands in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba and his family and opposes the systematic targeting of democratic voices by the police force. Well-known intellectuals, activists, teachers, and students from across Delhi will address the press conference in solidarity with Dr. Saibaba.
Some prominent members who will address the media include:
Justice (retd.) Rajendra Sachar
Prof. Amit Bhaduri, Professor Emeritus, JNU
Arundhathi Roy, Writer
Nandita Narain, DUTA President
A S Vasantha, wife of Dr. GN Saibaba
Pankaj Bisht, Writer and Editor, Samayantar
Sumit Chakravarti, Editor, Mainstream.
Sanjay Kak, Film maker
Vikas Gupta, Prof, DU, Sambhawna
Harish Dhawan, Ram Lal Anand College, PUDR
Rakesh Kumar, Ram Lal Anand College
Ravinder Goel, Satyawati College, DU
Prof. Raghuram, Former President, IP University Teachers Association
Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, JNU
Prof. Burra Srinivas, South Asian University
Prof. Akha Mao, Ambedkar University, Delhi
N Sachin, DUTA Executive, Dyal Singh College
We appeal to you to send a senior correspondent/photographer/cameraperson to the venue to cover the event.
- See more at: http://sanhati.com/event/9903/#sthash.FEFJIopB.dpuf

Saturday, May 10, 2014

दिल्ली विवि के प्रोफेसर जीयन साईंबाबा को तत्काल रिहा करो !


जी एन साईबाबा की गिरफ़्तारी के विरोध में देश-विदेश के  विभिन्न संगठनो का व्यक्तव्य :

 RDF statement on Dr. GN Saibaba's abduction and arrest by the Maharashtra Police
Rise!                              Resist!                              Liberate!

Revolutionary Democratic Front [RDF]

Condemn the dastardly clandestine abduction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Joint-Secretary of RDF, by the Maharashtra Police!

Today, the 9th of May, plain-clothed personnel of the Maharashtra Police abducted Dr. GN Saibaba while he was returning home from Daulat Ram College in Delhi University after examination duty. Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is on a wheelchair, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. After this secretive arrest of Dr Saibaba from within the university premises, it is believed he is being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra by flight. None of his family members were informed and after repeated efforts to contact him, the driver of his vehicle informed the family of his abduction. This stealthy and dastardly abduction of a university professor smacks of the desperation of the Maharashtra police and violates the basic human right of an upstanding, democratic voice in this country. This abduction, it is believed, to be with regards to a fabricated case filed by the Maharashtra police that subsequently conducted a raid and an interrogation at Dr. Saibaba’s residence on the 12th of September and 7th of January respectively. During both the raid and the interrogation, Dr. Saibaba and his family extended their full cooperation with the police and intelligence forces. This abduction by Maharashtra Police reflects the extent to which the police can stoop to rake up false charges in fabricated cases and implicate voices that speak up for the democratic rights of people.

President of RDF in Uttarakhand, Jeevan Chandra, was similarly picked up on 5th of May in Uttarakhand. The charges against him were that of having connections with the Maoists and calling for the boycott of the elections. RDF strongly condemns the abduction of Dr. Saibaba and the abduction and arrest of Jeevan Chandra by the police force.

RDF calls for a protest demonstration at Maharashtra Sadan
on 10th of May (Saturday) at 11 am.
We appeal to revolutionary and democratic individuals and organizations to join in large numbers.
PROTEST DEMONSTRATION against clandestine abduction of Dr. GN Saibaba by Maharashtra Police at Maharashtra Sadan, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, on 10th May (SATURDAY) at 11 am.
Varavara Rao, President, RDF (09676541715) Rajkishore, General Secretary, RDF (09717583539)


Date: 10/05/2014

But, because I tried to extend your liberties
Mine were curtailed.
Because I tried to rear the temple of freedom
For you all I was thrown into the cell of a felon’s jail…
Because I tried to give voice to truth,
I was condemned to silence…
You may say this is not a public question.
But it is!


At the heart of Delhi, when a Delhi University professor is clandestinely taken away by the police from another state (Maharashtra) anyone who upholds norms and procedures, rule of law and above all, those very fundamentals that define a democratic polity should tremble in indignation. What happened to Dr. GN Saibaba on the 9 May 2014 when plainclothed personnel from Maharashtra abducted him is symptomatic of the larger acts of impunity with which the police and paramilitary of the subcontinent have been conducting themselves, with the sole difference that this is happening in a highly ‘securitzed’ zone like the Delhi University campus which looks only through the CCTV; where everyone is watched paternally by a security set up of the Delhi Police allegedly to maintain order if not the law. It is beyond the level of the absurd to note that the police had once barged into his house in September 2013 with a warrant that was purportedly to seek ‘stolen property’ from his premises and then take away his belongings (laptop, hard discs etc) and once again visit him, in the first week of January 2014, this time with a notice for questioning and now finally culminate in this abduction by men in plainclothes from the road in Delhi University premises on 9 May 2014, when it is clear that he was always available for the police for whatever kind of queries that they had.
And it’s astounding to see that the continuing harassment of Dr. GN Saibaba and his family went unabated despite several representations to the Delhi University, the Chancellor, as well as the NHRC, which incidentally had taken note of the gross violations on Dr. GN Saibaba during the illegal raid of his house.
Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is wheelchair bound, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. Yet why did the police want to surreptitiously blindfold Dr. GN Saibaba and take him to unknown destination when the police are on record as published in the media that they have been camping in Delhi for almost a week? This is an admission of fear of public wrath as well as the self doubt on the side of the police as they have little evidence to show off any of the charges that they are purportedly putting on him. The action of the police is self explanatory as they would want to frame him up on trumped charges of alleged Maoist links based on ‘confessions’, as they claim, from Hem Mishra, a JNU student and former CRPP executive member as well as noted journalist and social activist Prashant Rahi who was independently working for the release of political prisoners. In fact arrests and incarceration of activists who are vocal against the policies of the state based on the so-called ‘confessions’ has been a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of an increasingly criminalizing and penalizing state the India is fast becoming.
After Dr. Saibaba was taken away blindfolded from within the university premises, it took a mysterious call to Vasantha, his partner, from some unknown location in Delhi disclosing it to her that her husband was being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra. For what case, under what charges and if there was a warrant, every aspect of the high handed action of the police was deliberately kept incommunicado. Later Dr. GN Saibaba managed to talk to his daughter from some other phone that he managed while being in the airport where he disclosed that he was being flown to Nagpur. Only close to 6 pm in the evening was his driver, Mr. Deepak was released. It was Deepak who narrated how he and Dr, Saibaba were blindfolded after a Santro car intercepted them on their before the School of Open Learning (SOL) while returning from Daulat Ram College after the examination duty. Deepak was kept throughout blind folded in the Civil Lines police station to be released later in the evening.
The manner in which Dr. GN Saibaba, a Delhi University professor has been taken away in broad daylight is a challenge for all the people who stand for democratic values and freedoms of the most downtrodden sections of the society. That Dr. GN Saibaba—who is also the Joint Secretary of the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) and one of the central conveners of the Forum Against War on People—has been quite outspoken against the murderous loot and plunder of people’s resources, their livelihoods under the garb of development as is espoused by all the corporate sponsored political parties and business houses in India and abroad had also struck chord with the democratic sections of the people had certainly irked the powers that be in their wishful thinking to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of the people in favour of their policies that can only breed destruction, destitution and death. Yes winning the ‘hearts and minds’ is a euphemism for the crude and repressive coercion of the state to browbeat the opinionated middle class in favour of the government of the day that has pledged itself to the insatiable hunger for profit of the corporates. The mounting repression on workers in the factories in urban centres, the targeting of rights defenders as well as people’s activists such as the arbitrary arrests of activists and office bearers of the RDF are clear indications in this direction. Recently the President of RDF in Uttarakhand, Jeevan Chandra, was similarly picked up on 5th of May in Uttarakhand for having ‘connections with the Maoists’ and calling for the boycott of the elections. Dr. Saibaba could see this unfolding method in madness of the state and had called for the rallying of all democratic and freedom loving people of the subcontinent resolutely to defeat this war on the people. Every voice that demands justice for Saibaba and his unconditional release will be a step to further strengthen those convictions of ours to stand for what is good for the vast sections of the masses of the people and their struggle to keep alive those dreams for a better world free from all forms of exploitation.
When this is being written CRPP received news from the lawyers in Aheri court in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra that Dr. Saibaba has been produced before the magistrate and was send to judicial custody.
We strongly demand that he be released unconditionally without delay. We at the CRPP call upon all freedom loving and democratic sections of the people, intellectuals, students, workers, rights defenders and one and all to condemn in unison the abduction of Dr. Saibaba and expose the ongoing war of incarceration of thousands of people across the subcontinent.
In Solidarity,
SAR Geelani
Amit Bhattacharyya
Secretary General
Bojja Tharakam
Vice President
N. Venuh
Vice President
MN Ravunni
Vice President
P. Koya
Vice President
Rona Wilson
Secretary, Public Relations  

Press Release by Delhi University Teachers

9th May 2014
Against the arbitrary arrest of Prof. G N Saibaba
Dr. G N Saibaba, Assistant Professor at Ramlal Anand College, Delhi University, was abducted by the Maharashtra police today, 9th May around 1.00 PM. He was in the Daulat Ram College for examination duty. The incident came to light when Vasantha, Prof. Saibaba’s wife, got a mysterious call around 3 p.m., informing her that her husband is being taken to Gadhchiroli by the Maharashtra police. There is otherwise no official intimation from the police about his arrest or charges against him so far. His driver and the car also were missing for several hours after that.
Vasantha, accompanied by Delhi University teachers, lodged a missing person complaint at the Maurice Nagar police station an hour later. Maurice Nagar police has now confirmed that Maharashtra Police came with a non-bailable warrant against Dr. Saibaba. Later, Dr. Saibaba managed to get hold of a cell-phone from someone at the airport and speak briefly to his daughter, before the phone was snatched away from him. He confirmed that he was inside the Delhi airport and being taken to Nagpur by the Gadchiroli police.
Dr. Saibaba has been facing harassment and intimidation since the last one year. His house was raided and his personal belongings taken away in the name of investigation. Clearly there is an attempt to frame him up. The Delhi University Teachers Association have earlier denounced these attempts by the police. Now the police have acted without any prior information and abducted Dr. Saibaba.
Prof. Saibaba suffers from 90 per cent disabilities and is strapped onto a wheelchair. To harass and intimidate him like this is a gross violation of his basic human rights.
We strongly condemn this arbitrary and illegal action by the police in connivance with the University authorities. This is an attempt to stifle voices of dissent and suppress those who have been vocal against injustice and oppression.

Condemn the abduction of Dr. G.N. Saibaba! ICAWPI - Toronto


On May 9th, 2014, Dr. G.N. Saibaba, an English professor at Delhi University, was in his car returning home to eat lunch. Dr. Saibaba has been an anti-imperialist activist for a number of years and is the joint convenor of the Revolutionary Democratic Front.

He has spoken at a number of different political forums around the world about the issues that affect the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of peasants and workers across India.

Due to his active opposition to the neo-liberal agenda of the Indian state and its American and European overlords, the police has harassed Dr. Saibaba for a number of years. The police ransacked his home earlier this year, although he was not arrested because of popular outrage in India and abroad.

On the way home after invigilating an exam, Saibaba was stopped by plainclothes police officers from the state of Maharashtra. Saibaba resides and was arrested in Delhi, which is a completely different state in India.

He was arrested, blindfolded, and then taken, against his will and with no opportunity to contact legal consul, first to a police station and then to Delhi Airport, forced to board a plane for Maharashtra.

Meanwhile, when Saibaba did not return home for lunch his wife tried to contact him with no luck.

She only later received a phone call from the Maharashtra state police, who explained to her that her husband had been arrested and was being taken to Maharashtra to face a charge sheet. When she asked about his charges, the phone call was abruptly cancelled.

Noted author, journalist and activist Arundhati Roy has denounced this arrest. “This is a brazen flouting of the constitutional rights of a citizen,” she stated: “Earlier, it was just confined to poor villages where no one would question the rapes and abductions, but now it has reached cities too.” We, the members of Toronto’s Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee (PRAC), who are also involved in the International Campaign Against the War on the People in India (ICAWPI), demand the immediate release of Saibaba and condemn this arbitrary and unconstitutional arrest.

Already a wave of protest condemning this arrest has begun in India; it is vital that democratic, progressive and revolutionary-minded people around the world mobilize against this regime of harassment and arbitrary arrests.

(International Campaign Against the War on the People in India)
Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee-Toronto
May 10th, 2014

By Prateek Goyal, Pune Mirror, May 14, 2014
Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee appeals to State human rights commission, claiming G N Saibaba needs to be provided with basic facilities
The Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee (APCLC) has appealed to the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission (MSHRC), asking that wheelchair-bound Delhi University professor G N Saibaba, arrested for his alleged affiliation with Maoist groups and confined in Nagpur jail, should not be tortured during interrogation and provided with basic facilities.

A representative of APCLC and a fellow of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) V Hargopal met former justice of Kerala High Court and current chairman of MSHRC, S R Bannurmath, in this regard on Monday.

According to friends of Saibaba, who was arrested by Gadchiroli police on May 9, the professor has even been denied vital high blood pressure and heart medicines by jail authorities. Hargopal , who teaches at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Hyderabad and has worked with Saibaba in the past, said, “Police have kept Saibaba in an ‘anda’ (eggshaped) cell.

He is 90 per cent disabled and is wheelchair-bound and requires assistance even for his daily chores. For the past four days, he has not been given vital medicines, which can be dangerous for his health. I have requested the MSHRC chairman to intervene.”

Saibaba, who teaches English at Delhi’s Ram Lal Anand College and is the joint secretary of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), had been accused of hatching a criminal conspiracy with two Naxalite commanders, Narmadakka and Ramdhar, who are supposed to be operating deep in the forests of Gadchiroli.

Jagdish Meshram, Saibaba’s lawyer, said, “A warrant against Saibaba was issued by Gadchiroli police on February 26, but I fail to understand why they arrested him now.

He has been remanded in magisterial custody till May 23. Earlier, police had raided his home twice.” Speaking to Mirror from Delhi, Vasantha, wife of Saibaba, said, “On Friday, I received a call from my husband around 1.15 pm telling me he is coming home for lunch.

But later, I received a call informing me that police have arrested him. I registered a missing person complaint at Maurice Nagar police station, and an hour later, the SHO told me that four Maharashtra police officials produced a non-bailable warrant against my husband on Friday morning. Now, our lawyer will suggest the further course of action.”

Ramdev, brother of Saibaba who lives in Nagpur, told Mirror, “Jail authorities are not allowing us to meet him. He had a cardiac arrest two years ago for which he takes regular medicine, but they are not even giving him those.”


A People’s Movement Solidarity Group
Contact: 9779110201, lokayatchd@gmail.com


Lokayat, A people’s Movement Solidarity Group comprise of advocates, academicians, journalists, artists, writers etc, has organized a protest on 14/05/2014 in Sector 17, Chandigarh against the Maharastra police which has clandestinely taken away Dr. GN Saibaba, a Delhi University professor without following any norms and procedures, rule of law on 9th May 2014. People from various strata has participated in this namely Academician Prof. Lallan from Panjab University, Chandigarh, Social Activist Anand Prakash, S.P. Singh Inderjit Singh, Dramatist Samuel John, trade union leader Vipin (AICTU), Advocates Rajeev Godara, Hasish Mehla, Students for Society secretary Daman preet, Inder.
Prof Lallan from Punjab University, Chandigarh said that Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is wheelchair bound, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. It must be condemned to arrest activist like Saibaba in such illegal way. As Mr. Saibaba has vehemently organised protest against the operation Green Hunt and expose the real agenda and intention of regime which has deployed lakhs of Paramilitary force and Army in central India to loot the resources under that land. The State is trying to curb such voices. Mr. Anand Praksh said that the arrest of Prof. Saibaba is loss of whole movement against imperialism. Advocating the right to have any ideology, Rajeev Godara condemned the arrest of G N Saibaba. In His speech Student Activist Daman Preeet said that Mr. Saibaba has been quite outspoken against the murderous loot and plunder of people’s resources, their livelihoods under the garb of development as is espoused by all the corporate sponsored political parties and business houses in India and abroad. That’s why Government was very keen to arrest Mr. Saibaba. He calls to fight for the release of Mr. Saibaba. He further said that central Government is making preparation to launch another set of war on people in that region. So to curb the democratic voice which may rise against such vicious design of state machinery and corporate, Maharashtra Police in nexus with Central Government has arrested him using illegal means.
While conducting the protest meeting, Ajay from Lokayat said that Dr. Saibaba is an internationally acclaimed figure of People’s Movement who was working for the people’s right since 80’s. He is working with numerous people’s organization like Revolutionary Democratic Front, Visthapan Virodhi Jan Vikas Andolan, Froum against War on People. He was Deputy Chair person of International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) which is working against imperialist plunder worldwide. He had also played central role in formation of various fronts such as Forum Against Imperialist Globlisation (FAIG), JAFIF, People’s Democratic Front of India (PDFI), MR-2004 etc to resist state Repression, imperialist plunder of country by MNC’s, World Trade Organization (WTO and against devastation caused by economic policy laid after 1990 in the name of economic reform.
During protest slogan was raised for the unconditional release of Dr. Saibaba, Repal the draconian law UAPA, Resist the repression on people’s movement, fight out the growing Fascism. Protester strongly demand that Saibaba be released unconditionally without delay.
Released by

Civil rights organisations stage a dharna seeking his unconditional release

Civil rights organisations condemned the ‘illegal detention’ of G.N. Saibaba of Delhi University by the Maharashtra police and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.
Members of Civil Liberties Committee, Progressive Democratic Women, Committee for Release of Political Prisoners, Amara Bandula Mitrula Committee and Telangana Praja Front staged a dharna near Ambedkar statue at lower Tank Bund here on Saturday to protest against the arrest of Prof. Saibaba.
Later, speaking to presspersons, they criticised the police for arresting the wheel-bound professor without informing his family members.
He was whisked away when he had gone to the university for spot valuation duty for his alleged links with the Maoists.
No consultations with lawyers
“Police gave a go-by to the Supreme Court directives about informing the family members and allowing consultation with a lawyer before arrest,” said Bhojja Tarkarama of the Republican Party of India.
Prof. Saibaba’s mother, Suryavati, said she had no knowledge about the whereabouts of her son. Being physically-challenged, he needs assistance. “How will he manage in jail?” she wondered in a choked voice.
Ch. Prabhakar of Telagana Praja Front said the professor was targeted for working for Adivasi rights and demanding a halt to the Operation Green Hunt.
“How can he go into the jungle and have links with Maoists when he can’t even walk,” said Ravichandra of Virasam.
Many like Padma Kumari of Amara Badula Mitrula Committee saw a threat to the life of Prof. Saibaba who was also the deputy secretary of the Revolutionary Democratic Front.
In a statement, Gade Diwakar, secretary, CPI (ML) New Democracy, State Committee, also condemned the arrest of Prof. Saibaba and demanded his immediate release.

 earlier message received from activists in Delhi

Prof. G.N. Saibaba, faculty at DU and Joint Secy of Revolutionary Democratic Front was abducted today by the Maharashtra police when he was returning from his college. Without even informing anyone, the police has already taken him to the airport to fly him to Maharashtra. There is a press conference at his residence (Gwyer Hall Hostel warden flat) today at 5.30 pm condemning this police abduction. Please join the press conference. For the last one year the police has been trying to implicate him in absolutely absurd and false charges. To prepare grounds for this, there was first the most vicious media trial against him, followed by a police raid at his residence last year and then police landing him to interrogate him early this year. Now he has been abducted in this surreptitious manner. Condemn and protest against this dastardly police act
Press Release by Delhi University Teachers 

9th May 2014 

Against the arbitrary arrest of Prof. G N Saibaba

Dr. G N Saibaba, Assistant Professor at Ramlal Anand College, Delhi University, was abducted by the Maharashtra police today, 9th May around 1.00 PM. He was in the Daulat Ram College for examination duty. The incident came to light when Vasantha, Prof. Saibaba’s wife, got a mysterious call around 3 p.m., informing her that her husband is being taken to Gadhchiroli by the Maharashtra police. There is otherwise no official intimation from the police about his arrest or charges against him so far. His driver and the car also were missing for several hours after that.

Vasantha, accompanied by Delhi University teachers, lodged a missing person complaint at the Maurice Nagar police station an hour later. Maurice Nagar police has now confirmed that Maharashtra Police came with a non-bailable warrant against Dr. Saibaba. Later, Dr. Saibaba managed to get hold of a cell-phone from someone at the airport and speak briefly to his daughter, before the phone was snatched away from him. He confirmed that he was inside the Delhi airport and being taken to Nagpur by the Gadchiroli police.

Dr. Saibaba has been facing harassment and intimidation since the last one year. His house was raided and his personal belongings taken away in the name of investigation. Clearly there is an attempt to frame him up. The Delhi University Teachers Association have earlier denounced these attempts by the police. Now the police have acted without any prior information and abducted Dr. Saibaba.

Prof. Saibaba suffers from 90 per cent disabilities and is strapped onto a wheelchair. To harass and intimidate him like this is a gross violation of his basic human rights.

We strongly condemn this arbitrary and illegal action by the police in connivance with the University authorities. This is an attempt to stifle voices of dissent and suppress those who have been vocal against injustice and oppression.


PUDR Statement

Condemn Arrest of Dr. G.N. Saibaba

PUDR condemns the abduction and arrest of G.N. Saibaba by men in mufti in broad daylight, on 9th afternoon. Dr. Saibaba, an Assistant Professor of English in Ram Lal Anand College was returning home around 1 p.m. after participating in the University’s examination evaluation work in North Campus when his car was stopped and he was blindfolded and whisked away by plain clothed personnel of the Maharashtra Police. According to latest reports, he has been taken to Nagpur already.

In a blatant lie, DIG (Gadchiroli), Ravindra Kadam, said to the media that Dr. Saibaba was arrested in the morning. In total violation of procedures, the plain clothed men who abducted Dr. Saibaba gave no copy of the arrest warrant to his wife and instead informed her anonymously over phone. It must be remembered that Dr. Saibaba’s residence has already been raided and he was questioned four times in the past six months in connection with his alleged links with Maoists. It must also be remembered that Dr. Saibaba suffers from 90% disability and is confined to the use of a wheelchair.

Dr. Saibaba is presently arrested in the case in which Prashant Rahi and Hemant Mishra have earlier been arrested. This case is registered at the Aheri police station in Gadchiroli district (FIR No. 3017/2013) under sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). PUDR has documented and highlighted numerous instances of gross violations of individual rights that are endemic to the operation of laws such as the UAPA. At the societal level, the UAPA permits banning of political opinion as per the whims of the governments in power. This in turn becomes the basis to target the individual or the group that the governments perceive as undesirable and to hit them with legislated violence. The doors to justice and judicial remedy become so highly restricted that those targeted languish in jails for years on end.

In the present case too, the entire charge against those accused rests on the vagueness of the UAPA provisions and the arbitrary power to impose ban on political organisations. Prashant Rahi and Hemant Mishra already arrested in this case have been charged under UAPA sections 13 (unlawful activity), 18 (conspiracy in terrorist acts), 20 (member of terrorist gang), 38 (membership of terrorist organization) and 39 (support given to terrorist organization). The reason why the UAPA is deployed is that the accusations brought forth would not stand ground if the same were made under the normal laws of the land with normal procedures and normal rules of evidence.

The enhanced punishments under the UAPA and the carefully crafted jingoism of terrorism on the one hand conceals the socio-economic and political reality faced by those whose live on the margins of prosperous India. On the other hand, it helps to perpetuate a helpless sense of fear in people at large from an imagined ruthless and inhuman enemy. This then permits a willing public ready to deny the basic rights to large sections in exchange for imagined safety and security.

The shocking reality of the world of UAPA yet continues to haunt us. It appears again and again as a misuse here, an injustice there and yet another… The way out of this labyrinth is to reject this law that attempts to redesign our democracy in its own authoritarian shape.

We therefore demand that the UAPA provisions being used to incarcerate Dr. G.N. Saibaba be removed forthwith. There is no reasonable defence available with the police to keep Dr. Saibaba in custody: he has been available for and has cooperated with police investigation whenever such need has arisen in the past, he is confined to a wheelchair with very limited mobility. These are pressing reasons that he be released from custody.

PUDR appeals once again to all citizens to grasp the rapid corrosion to democratic norms and institutions being caused by the continued use of UAPA, to oppose every application of UAPA and to demand is total repeal.

D. Manjit and Asish Gupta



Professor GN Saibaba, an eminent rights activist was abducted on 09/05/2014, by a posse of plainclothes men at about while he was returning home after performing examination duties at about 12-30. Dr. Saibaba suffers from 90% disability and is on a wheelchair. After abduction, the plainclothesmen blindfolded him and took him and his car driver was taken to the Civil Lines Police Station and from there Dr. Saibaba was loaded in a Mumbai bound flight. The abductors did not follow the procedures like preparing a memo of arrest at the place of arrest, informing his family as laid down in the laws of the country while ’arresting’ him.

Dr. Saibaba is an eminent activist for the rights of people, for liberty and against corporate aggression. He took leading part in organizing protests in solidarity with Palestinian and Iraqi resistance movements, Kashmiri and North-Eastern people’s struggles. He is in the forefront in people’s movements against Indian State’s war codenamed ‘Green Hunt’ on its people who are struggling to safeguard land, forest and county’s natural resources from corporate grab and in the movement for the release of all political prisoners.

Dr. Saibaba’s residence was earlier raided by the Maharastra Police on 12 September, 2013 and again on 7 January 2014 and he was interrogated for long hours amid protests from the students and faculty of the DU on the pretext of ‘getting information’ from an arrested alleged Maoist activist. Now, it is learnt he is booked under sections 13, 18, 20 and 39 of the draconian UAPA on the same pretext. This is yet another example of the misuse of the UAPA for which the Act is designed.

APDR strongly condemns the illegal and vengeful arrest of Dr. Saibaba and demands withdrawal of all charges against him and his immediate and unconditional release.
APDR calls on all rights activists, democratic individuals and organisations and the people to rise in protest against Dr. Saibaba’s arrest.

Statement from Delhi Students Union

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act” –George Orwell

It is precisely for this ‘crime’ of speaking the truth in the face of the lies and deceit that seek to hide the untold injustice and oppression perpetuated by the Indian state, that Dr. GN Saibaba has been arrested. Dr. GN Saibaba, a faculty member in DU and a widely known political activist, was clandestinely abducted on 9th May by plain-clothed policemen of the Maharashtra police just steps away from his residence as he was on his way back from examination duty. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is wheelchair bound, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle that swiftly took him to the airport from whence he was flown to Nagpur. The surreptitious manner in which a public figure like him was literally abducted by the police itself testifies that they were wary of the fact that they do not have any substantive evidence to back their hoax of “nabbing” him for alleged “Maoist links”. It has been obvious for quite a while now that the Indian state has been desperate to brand him and frame him under certain cooked up charges. The sole purpose being, to gag a voice of dissent that dares to speak the truth despite repeated threats and intimidations.

Saibaba has been a tireless voice that has meticulously tore down the curtain of silence that the Indian state uses to hide the most gory reality of a war it has waged against the most oppressed adivasi population in the name of Operation Green Hunt. As the convenor of the Forum against War on People, Saibaba has been consistent in breaking down the high-sounding myth of ‘Development’ with which the state seeks to cover up a bloody war that it has waged at the behest of the corporate sharks to facilitate an unbridled loot of resources at the cost of death, destruction and displacement for the adivasis. Breaking the deathly consensus of all possible shades of parliamentary forces to this so called ‘development’ model, his was one of those voices that galvanized a large section of democratic opinion against Green Hunt. Large enough to cause panic and fluster the powers that be. As the Joint Secretary of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), Saibaba has been helping to forge solidarities amongst – the Dalits, adivasis, Muslims, oppressed nationalities, peasant, workers, and so on – for the goal of forging a revolutionary unity of the oppressed. As a faculty in DU, Saibaba has been at the forefront of struggles for social justice, for reservation & against privatization – semester system or FYUP – galvanizing teachers & students for democratization of education.

The most evolved mechanism of the Indian state to contain ‘crimes’ such as the above and to witch hunt countless such democratic right activists is to brand and frame them either as “Maoist” or as “Terrorist”. Voices that dare to speak the truth thereby can easily be projected as “threats to national security” and hence “seditious”. By such means Muslims who burn the US flag protesting against imperialist aggression are nabbed as “terrorists”; Kabir Kala Manch activists who sing about breaking the fetters of Brahmanism are nabbed as “anti-nationals”; and those opposing Operation Green Hunt are nabbed as “Maoists”. With masterful precision, improved upon through repeated rendition, the state apparatus – its police, judiciary, media – complement each other all along this process of branding, threatening, framing, abducting, incarcerating and at other times encountering. We have seen the chronicle being repeated over and over again in the cases of Comrade Hem, Prashant Rahi, Shahid Azmi, Binayak Sen or countless other nameless faceless people’s activists across the country.

The chronicle of the abduction and arrest had also long been foretold. The corporate media had for quite a while been faithfully reproducing the police claims of Dr. Saibaba having “Maoist links” thereby branding him time and again as also threatening to arrest him. Even at the university level he was systematically harassed with threats of eviction from his residence on flimsy grounds. After arrest of Comrade Hem (a known cultural activist and member of DSU) and Prashant Rahi (prominent journalist) on baseless charges, a concerted attempt began to frame Dr. Saibaba. There was a dastardly raid at his residence within the university premises in September 2013 by a joint team of 60 policemen with a ridiculous warrant of “search for stolen property”. Despite several representations to the Delhi University, the Chancellor, as well as the NHRC, which incidentally had taken note of the gross violations on Dr. GN Saibaba during the illegal raid of his house such harassments continued unabated. In January 2014, the Maharashtra police came with the pretext of a so called “interrogation” and in the absence of any evidence resorted to blatant threats and intimidations. The next step thereby was to surreptitiously abduct him and frame him under absurd charges. He was produced yesterday in the Aheri court at Gadchirolli, Maharashtra, and has been given judicial custody.

It goes without saying that Dr Saibaba who had been in the midst of just struggles outside the prison bars will continue to struggle even from behind the bars. But the manner in which he has been taken away in broad daylight is a challenge for all the people who stand for democratic rights. It is the responsibility of all democratic and progressive sections to build a united struggle to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. Saibaba, Comrade Hem, Prashant Rahi and all other political prisoners. While the coming years, with or without Modi, are days when fascism is going to further tighten its grip in this country marking the beginning of what many may call a dark chapter of history; but as GN Saibaba himself said a few days back while addressing a meeting, “it is such united struggles of the most oppressed and the progressive sections that can and will turn the coming years into the brightest chapter of history.”

Press Release by Delhi University Teachers
9th May 2014
Against the arbitrary arrest of Prof. G N Saibaba
Dr. G N Saibaba, Assistant Professor at Ramlal Anand College, Delhi University, was abducted by the Maharashtra police today, 9th May around 1.00 PM. He was in the Daulat Ram College for examination duty. The incident came to light when Vasantha, Prof. Saibaba’s wife, got a mysterious call around 3 p.m., informing her that her husband is being taken to Gadhchiroli by the Maharashtra police. There is otherwise no official intimation from the police about his arrest or charges against him so far. His driver and the car also were missing for several hours after that.
Vasantha, accompanied by Delhi University teachers, lodged a missing person complaint at the Maurice Nagar police station an hour later. Maurice Nagar police has now confirmed that Maharashtra Police came with a non-bailable warrant against Dr. Saibaba. Later, Dr. Saibaba managed to get hold of a cell-phone from someone at the airport and speak briefly to his daughter, before the phone was snatched away from him. He confirmed that he was inside the Delhi airport and being taken to Nagpur by the Gadchiroli police.
Dr. Saibaba has been facing harassment and intimidation since the last one year. His house was raided and his personal belongings taken away in the name of investigation. Clearly there is an attempt to frame him up. The Delhi University Teachers Association have earlier denounced these attempts by the police. Now the police have acted without any prior information and abducted Dr. Saibaba.
Prof. Saibaba suffers from 90 per cent disabilities and is strapped onto a wheelchair. To harass and intimidate him like this is a gross violation of his basic human rights.
We strongly condemn this arbitrary and illegal action by the police in connivance with the University authorities. This is an attempt to stifle voices of dissent and suppress those who have been vocal against injustice and oppression.
- See more at: http://kasamaproject.org/threads/entry/oppose-arrest-of-g-n-saibaba-and-overall-repression-on-revolutionary-democratic-front#sthash.cnLQRp9A.dpuf
Press Release by Delhi University Teachers
9th May 2014
Against the arbitrary arrest of Prof. G N Saibaba
Dr. G N Saibaba, Assistant Professor at Ramlal Anand College, Delhi University, was abducted by the Maharashtra police today, 9th May around 1.00 PM. He was in the Daulat Ram College for examination duty. The incident came to light when Vasantha, Prof. Saibaba’s wife, got a mysterious call around 3 p.m., informing her that her husband is being taken to Gadhchiroli by the Maharashtra police. There is otherwise no official intimation from the police about his arrest or charges against him so far. His driver and the car also were missing for several hours after that.
Vasantha, accompanied by Delhi University teachers, lodged a missing person complaint at the Maurice Nagar police station an hour later. Maurice Nagar police has now confirmed that Maharashtra Police came with a non-bailable warrant against Dr. Saibaba. Later, Dr. Saibaba managed to get hold of a cell-phone from someone at the airport and speak briefly to his daughter, before the phone was snatched away from him. He confirmed that he was inside the Delhi airport and being taken to Nagpur by the Gadchiroli police.
Dr. Saibaba has been facing harassment and intimidation since the last one year. His house was raided and his personal belongings taken away in the name of investigation. Clearly there is an attempt to frame him up. The Delhi University Teachers Association have earlier denounced these attempts by the police. Now the police have acted without any prior information and abducted Dr. Saibaba.
Prof. Saibaba suffers from 90 per cent disabilities and is strapped onto a wheelchair. To harass and intimidate him like this is a gross violation of his basic human rights.
We strongly condemn this arbitrary and illegal action by the police in connivance with the University authorities. This is an attempt to stifle voices of dissent and suppress those who have been vocal against injustice and oppression.
- See more at: http://kasamaproject.org/threads/entry/oppose-arrest-of-g-n-saibaba-and-overall-repression-on-revolutionary-democratic-front#sthash.cnLQRp9A.dpuf
Press Release by Delhi University Teachers
9th May 2014
Against the arbitrary arrest of Prof. G N Saibaba
Dr. G N Saibaba, Assistant Professor at Ramlal Anand College, Delhi University, was abducted by the Maharashtra police today, 9th May around 1.00 PM. He was in the Daulat Ram College for examination duty. The incident came to light when Vasantha, Prof. Saibaba’s wife, got a mysterious call around 3 p.m., informing her that her husband is being taken to Gadhchiroli by the Maharashtra police. There is otherwise no official intimation from the police about his arrest or charges against him so far. His driver and the car also were missing for several hours after that.
Vasantha, accompanied by Delhi University teachers, lodged a missing person complaint at the Maurice Nagar police station an hour later. Maurice Nagar police has now confirmed that Maharashtra Police came with a non-bailable warrant against Dr. Saibaba. Later, Dr. Saibaba managed to get hold of a cell-phone from someone at the airport and speak briefly to his daughter, before the phone was snatched away from him. He confirmed that he was inside the Delhi airport and being taken to Nagpur by the Gadchiroli police.
Dr. Saibaba has been facing harassment and intimidation since the last one year. His house was raided and his personal belongings taken away in the name of investigation. Clearly there is an attempt to frame him up. The Delhi University Teachers Association have earlier denounced these attempts by the police. Now the police have acted without any prior information and abducted Dr. Saibaba.
Prof. Saibaba suffers from 90 per cent disabilities and is strapped onto a wheelchair. To harass and intimidate him like this is a gross violation of his basic human rights.
We strongly condemn this arbitrary and illegal action by the police in connivance with the University authorities. This is an attempt to stifle voices of dissent and suppress those who have been vocal against injustice and oppression.
- See more at: http://kasamaproject.org/threads/entry/oppose-arrest-of-g-n-saibaba-and-overall-repression-on-revolutionary-democratic-front#sthash.cnLQRp9A.dpuf
